I am the Church
You are the Church

We are the Church Together


A few brief notes to let you know some of the changes at Trinity since last we “talked.

”Once again we are nearing Charge Conference, when we meet with our District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Jerome DeVine, for the annual exchange of information concerning the church and the confer-ence. Since both Trinity and the new conference, with which we are connected, have undergone much change in the past year, it will be a very interesting and informative meeting. We will have details for this year's conference soon.

The monthly taco bar has been discontinued. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way with that fund raiser.  On Sunday, October 13, we held the first after-church dinner, serving spaghetti with meatballs, garlic bread, salad, dessert, and beverage, for a donation. It was a great success! It was attended by more than 60 people, including 20 or so who are not part of our congregation. $447.75 was raised. Thank you so much to all who helped in any way, especially to Jean and Rick Holzheuer, who oversaw it and donated the supplies. We will do this again, at dates not yet determined, and with various menus. If you missed the first one, be sure to attend the next one and join the fun.

We have welcomed four new full members. Paula asked that her membership be restored, and gathered into our flock by transfer of memberships from other Methodist churches are Kenneth, and Buryl and Shirley. Introduce yourself and welcome them. It’s always nice to make and recognize new friends. Welcome!

We are still looking for more of your God-given talents in the way of paintings, drawings, photos, cross stitch, needlepoint, poetry, etc. Be sure to stop at our “talents” display at the back of the church. This is “who we are;” let us all see who youare. Call Jan Moberg with questions. Offerings must be Christian in nature and of frameable size. We can provide frames.

“Our Father’s Cupboard” food pantry was closed abruptly in September, but we re-opened in November, “under new management.” This wonderful congregation has been so supportive with monetary gifts and donations of personal items for distribution. You are amazing! We were also blessed with a $250 donation from Shiawassee Health and Wellness. Although the reason for our temporary closure is not monetary in nature, it is a costly operation to maintain and every cent is a blessing and very much appreciated by so many. If you have a desire to volunteer in any way, call Marty or Jan, or the church office.

Thank you to each generous heart.  Janet is Trinity’s new administrative assistant, taking over for interim administrative assistant, Laurie. We are blessed by Janet’s wealth of experience and knowledge.

Remember new start times for Sunday mornings; Adult Sunday school starts at 10:15am and church services start at 11:30am. Laundry soap production will be scheduled soon. We still need more empty soap bottles, as well as donations of washing soda and Borax.  If you have any questions for us or suggestions for us, please call the office at 989-723-2664. Janet will direct your concerns to the proper source for answers. We want your thoughts.  The church parking lot underwent repairs and a face lift; patching, filling, coating and re-striping.

Over the summer months, someone broke the lock on our storage shed and helped themselves to our lawnmower. An appeal for a replacement was soon answered by a young couple who donated a small but nearly-new one to the church.

We will still need a more substantial one by next mowing season, but are grateful to get through this Summer/Fall with a gift from outside our church.  Enjoy the beautiful Autumn weather and a bountiful and blessed Thanksgiving. To God be the glory

Thank You